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Living with Light

Book description

"Light is law. It is power, force and life. Light is an energy that helps to create the world and define our experiences." Axel Vervoordt

The art of creating a refined balance between living spaces and the elements of nature — such as light, water, metal, wood — is explored in this book featuring nearly twenty recent Vervoordt interior projects. The range of properties includes hotels, historic architecture, as well as homes both on and by the sea. The geographic locations include city and country locations in Europe and the United States, demonstrating a range of possible styles within the essential Vervoordt principles. Above all, the book explores both modern and timeless design aesthetics fused with fine art and objects. What unites each home's story is the serenity and sensibility of light.

Laziz Hamani's photography brings into focus the details and carefully constructed interiors that form each setting and mood, many of which exhibit a seemingly effortless tranquility that can be traced to the Vervoordt appreciation of Eastern and Western philosophies. These residences offer inspirational ideas to celebrate your living space and create happiness for friends and family in the company's singular style.

Book informations

Edited in 2013
Pages and dimensions:
264 pages, Hardcover, 29 x 26 cm
List of available languages:

Available in:

  • English - Living with Light (Flammarion)
  • Dutch - Licht en Ruimte (Lannoo)
  • French - Maisons de Lumière (Flammarion)
  • German - Haüser des Lichts (Jacoby & Stuart)
  • Italian - Case di Luce (Ippocampo)
Axel Vervoordt, Boris Vervoordt, Michael James Gardner
65 €
978 94 014 1157 8

Italian version: 40 €. When ordering, please specify the desired language. Additional shipping charges are due depending on address and volume.

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